A distinctive phrase of a person or group of people.
(advertising) A phrase associated with a product, used in advertising.
A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose. The word slogan is derived from slogorn which was an Anglicisation of the Scottish and Irish Gaelic sluagh-ghairm (sluagh "army", "host" + gairm "cry"). Slogans vary from the written and the visual to the chanted and the vulgar. Often their simple rhetorical nature leaves little room for detail, and as such they serve perhaps more as a social expression of unified purpose, rather than a projection for an intended audience.
(Known as anti smoking slogans, no smoking slogans, stop smoking slogans
or slogan about smoking.)
Slogans make use of words and phrases to form catchy sentences and they often create interests and draw attentions. Therefore, slogans are very good tools to promote ideas, such as "quit smoking". Many anti-smoking slogans are created by wonderful people and some are accompanied by pictures to make them even more interesting. We have collected a large list of cool catchy anti smoking slogans for you below:
Arsenic kills if you swallow it; tobacco kills if you smoke it.
Be Cool - Don't Be a Smoking Fool.
Be smart don't start.
Breathe healthily, live happily.
Cancer cures smoking.
Chicks really dig pre-cancerous lungs.
Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket.
Cough twice for Philip Morris.
Did you know your mouth is on fire?
Don't be a butthead. Smoking kills.
Don't be a Kool Fool.
Don't puff your life away.
Don't smoke you will choke!
Don't smoke - there are cooler ways to die.
Everyone has a right to clean air.
Hang Tough, Don't Puff!
Health is wealth.
How the Tobacco Industry Killed American Soldiers
I like smoking. It kills off a lot of stupid people.
I quit because my kids love me.
I would give up smoking but I'm not a quitter.
If God had wanted us to smoke, he would have given us a separate hole for it.
If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate
action. (in a non-smoking area)
If you can't stop smoking, cancer will.
If you don't smoke, I won't fart!
If you smoke, you're a joke.
If you think smoking is cool, you're a fool.
Is smoking good for business? Not if you want long-term customers.
Smoking is a stupid habit for really stupid people.
Smoking is bad for your sex life.
Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They're rich; you're dead.
Smoking is very glamorous, if you like deep wrinkles.
Smoking kills.
Smoking makes no cents.
Smoking makes you ugly.
Smoking Stinks!
Smoking? You must be joking...
Stop smoking, or you will be croaking. (With the image of a frog smoking)
STOP...and take a step in the right direction!
QUIT NOW...Your life depends on it.
THINK... about it.
Tar the roads, not your lungs.
Thank you for not smoking.
The Cigarette is dead.
The Marlboro Man Died of Lung Cancer.
There are cooler ways to die than smoking.
Tobacco companies kill their best customers.
Too much smoke will leave you broke.
Trash the Ash.
Weapons of mass destruction.
When you smoke, everyone can smell you coming.
When you smoke, you are not cool. In the end, however, you are extinct. (With the image of an extinct animal, say a dinosaur with a cigarette in its mouth)
Who's going to retire on your hard-earned dollars� you or some tobacco company executive?
Winston Tastes Good, Like a Carcinogen Should.
You don't want to smell my butt, don't make me smell yours
You smoke, you die early, you save the government money.
You take my breath away. (Picture of a celebrity who smoked too much and preferably died or is suffering from a disease due to excessive smoking)
You're a fool if you think smoking is cool.
Your freedom ends where my nose begins.
Your Money Going Up in Smoke
For people who have quitted smoking, praise them!
Proud to be SMOBER!
Proud Quitter - 1 year!
I quit smoking - why don't you?
Kiss me - I quit smoking!
I'm an EX- smoker!
Smoking INJURES your Health
No-Smoking INSURES your health
Smoking BATTERS your Health
No-Smoking BETTERS your health
Smoking ENDURES poor Health
No-Smoking ENSURES good health
Smoking TORTURE your Health
No-Smoking NURTURE your health
Smoking PACK-UP your Health
No-Smoking BACK-UP your health
Smoking MEDDLE your Health
No-Smoking METTLE your health
Smoking SHOOT your Health
No-Smoking SOOTHE your health
Smoking SLICE your Health
No-Smoking SPLICE your health
Smoking BEND your Health
No-Smoking MEND your health
Smoking BEND your Health
No-Smoking TEND your health
Smoking END your Health
No-Smoking M END your health
Smoking SCARES your Health
No-Smoking CARES your health
Smoking DE-LIGHT your Health
No-Smoking DELIGHT your health
Smoking UPSET your Health
No-Smoking SET-UP your health
Smoking FAIL your Health
No-Smoking BAIL your health
Smoking TEAR your Health
No-Smoking STEER your health
Smoking STALL your Health
No-Smoking INSTALL your health
Smoking DEFORM your Health
No-Smoking REFORM your health
Smoking EXCEL your Health
No-Smoking EXPEL your health
Smoking IMPAIRS your Health
No-Smoking IMPROVES your health
Smoking bring a CLOWN image
No-Smoking bring a CLEAN image
Dear Smoker!!
To stop smoking :
You can be a hero to encourage smokers to quit smoking.
Simply place the Anti-smoking logo on your website/blog.
Copy and paste the following code to your site: